2018-11-05 | 小编:长安 | 0 |
Cambridge9 Text1 Passage3
29 Which physical feature, possessed by their ancestors, do whales lack?
原文:Whales(including the small whales we call dolpins) and dugongs, with their close cousins the manatees, ceased to be land creatures altogether and reverted to the full marine habits of their remote ancestors. They don't even come ashore to breed. They do, however, still breathe air, having never developed anything equivalent to the gills of their marine incarnation.
解析:题干中问到whales祖先有什么physical feature是whales所欠缺的,利用欠缺这一概念可以在文章中搜寻否定特征的表述不难发现 lack=have never developed 这两个表述是同义替换的, 所以答案应为gills。
说到第二种方式的话,就是大家最熟悉不过的一个叫做not,常见的考核方式有cannot, do not, does not 几种方式,是否定考点中最容易被识别的一种显性考法。
Cambridge8 Text2 Passage3
38 Certain linguistic groups may have difficulty describing smell because they lack the appropriate_______.
原文:Odours, unlike colours, for instance, cannot be named in many languages because the specific vocabulary simply doesn't exist.
解析: 题干中问到lack是本文解释的第一种否定方式,而其否定特征对应了文章中doesn't exist 这一表述,就是由比较明显的does not 否定词来进行替换的。所以,这里的答案因为名词vocabulary。
Cambridge8 Text3 Passage2
Which FIVE of these beliefs are reported by the writer of the text?
H People never appreciate true genius.
原文:It is popularly believed that genius goes unrecognized and unrewarded.
解析:在这个多选题目的选项H中我们注意到关键词never appreciate,其中never表述的是一种否定的信息即人们不欣赏真正的天才。带着否定的线索去原文进行定位和替换匹配时可以发现在文章第二段中出现了unrecognized和 unrewarded 这样的否定表述,可以体现出选项和原文的一致性,所以H选项是经过改写的正确选项。
前缀的考法,当我们遇到否定词的时候,经常有一些前缀表示否定性的含义。例如un-, dis-, de-, in-, im-, ir-, il-
Cambridge8 Text4 Passage2
14 The use of pesticides has contributed to
A a change in the way ecologies are classified by agroecoloogists.
B an imbalance in many ecologies around the world.
C the prevention of ecological disasters in some parts of the world.
D an increase in the range of ecologies which can be usefully farmed.
原文:Apart from engendering widespread ecological disorders, pesticides have contributed to the emergence if a new breed of chemical-resistant, highly lethal superbugs.
解析:原文中前半句widespread ecological disorder有一个disorder体现出否定前缀dis-,同样出现否定的是选项B 中的imbalance前缀im-, 通过两个表示否定词汇的互换,这道题可以选择B选项。
Cambridge8 Text2 Passage3
39 The sense if smell may involve response to _______ which do not smell, in addition to obvious odours.
原文:Researchers have still to decide whether smell is one sense or two-one responding to odours proper and the other registering odourless chemicals in the air.
解析:题目中的空格经过审题预判可以得知需要填写的是一个名词复数,这个答被 which do not smell从句所修饰,从句中有否定词那么原文中应该也能够体现出否定逻辑。通过题目中的response一词可以和原文语句中的responding对应,那么在否定方面即是odourless 一个单词体现了which do not smell整句话的意思。-less后缀表示否定色彩是比较特殊的一个考点,可以单独记忆一下。那么,本题的答案应为chemicals。